Sunday, July 11, 2010

Body Armor is Heavy

I will never understand how people can live in the South. By 8:00 am I had already sweat through my clothes and it only got worse from there. With that being said the mornings are very nice here. From 5:30 am to 7:30 am it felt amazing and there was a slight breeze. After that the sun wanted to fry everyone...and it did.

Today was my first day with a shaved head so I took off my hat for about 20 minutes so that it could get a little color but not burned. It feels okay for not but I will know for sure tomorrow morning :)

Every morning we report to a large pavilion and we line up in formation which is nifty except for the fact that over half of the people at CRC are not military people. Today's formation was better than yesterdays but some people are just not cut out for this type of work and it is becoming blatantly obvious. For example, yesterday the Master Sargent said no shorts or capri's. Beyond the fact that this rule was in all of the pre-arrival CRC material, people wore them anyway. Today someone wore them and found themselves on the end of a tongue lashing that was quite entertaining for the rest of us.

Today we were fitted for our uniforms and for body armor. Body armor weighs about 30 pounds so when the Sargent handed me the vest nonchalantly, I took it from him the same way. I almost looked like the weakling of the group because I didn't expect it to weigh that much. I suppose steel and Kevlar are not light in weight when they need to stop a bullet.

I had a brief moment of panic this afternoon when I couldn't find one of my training certificates. This training takes 6 hours to complete and if I couldn't produce my certificate then I was going to have to do it again. Thankfully I found it on the third pass through of my library of paperwork. Isn't being "green" a big initiative in government? I don't think the military got that memo...I mean e-mail.


  1. sounds as if you had a full day. we enjoyed the family so much today. it was such a joy to feed them and then play with Brooklyn. The shileys and Lynn Whetsone came to see her. They were in awe of her. later !!!!

  2. Hey! This is neat. I truly like your site. Great way to keep everyone up-to-date, and a neat way for us to reply. Hope Monday is somehow very special and positive for you!
    God bless. Uncle Pep
