Saturday, July 10, 2010

Traveling to CRC

Since I am deploying to Afghanistan and I am want to provide as much information to all my family and friends in the most timely manner, I am going to be updating a blog throughout.

Yesterday I left home and I traveled to Columbus, Georgia for CRC (Conus Replacement Center....Conus means Continental United States). The trip got off to a horrific start. I was scheduled to leave Columbus, Ohio at 5:05 pm on July 9, 2010. The plane didn't actually leave Columbus until 1:45 am on July 10. That meant that I definitely missed my connecting flight from Atlanta, Georgia to Columbus, Georgia.

Once I landed in Atlanta I had to get a rental car and drive the 90+ miles to Columbus, Georgia. That wouldn't be so bad but I was running on fumes by that point. So fueled by beef jerky, a 5 hour energy and Coke Zero, I made the trek.

Since I had to rent an car in Atlanta, I had to drop it off in Columbus and pick up my real car rental. That sounds easy enough but the airport in Columbus is about the size of your local CVS and the car rental places didn't open for 2 hours after I got there. So I wedged my big frame into one of their tiny seats and sprawled out with my neck bent at a 90 degree angle and tried to sleep....yeah that didn't happen.

Finally I get my car and I head to CRC and I basically get lost on the base. Fort Benning is huge and by huge I mean it has its own freeways and exits on the base. Thankfully my beautiful bride was there to guide me to where I needed to be.

I am amazed that people live in the south because of the heat and humidity. By 9:00 am this morning I had sweat so much that I soaked my entire outfit. I cannot imagine how lovely we all must have smelled. Thankfully it was a short day and I was able to check into the hotel and get settled. Tomorrow I hope to take some pictures of base and the surrounding area and upload them.

Before I left for CRC I had decided to shave my head while I was gone because it is easier to deal with the sand with less hair and lets face it...I have been losing my hair for quite some time now. I think tonight will be the night it comes off. It was way too hot today for hair so I think it is time.

On that note, I think it is time to find the clippers and the camera.


  1. Hey Ryan......Thanks for this blog. You are so sweet to keep all of us updated. I know you will miss your family, but what a wonderful way to stay in touch. Unc. Jim and Aunt Lou send you our love.

  2. Welcome to the world of blogging! I love you!

  3. How exciting this is going to be.

  4. you are so good at this! make us feel as if we are there. you are learnng much more than anyone would have ever thought or would have eve wanted for you. WHAT A MAN you are. We are so proud! XO
