Thursday, July 15, 2010

Military = Inefficient

Today proved what I already knew. The military is inefficient in administrative duties. This does not reflect on their primary mission which is to defend the US and interests of the US because the military does that extremely well.

On Tuesday we went through medical and I received a Hepatitis B vaccination. While I was there I insisted to every medical person that I needed to get my Smallpox and Antrhax vaccinations because I am going to Afghanistan. Despite my various pleas, they claimed I did not need these. Well lo and behold, I did. So today I went to get them. I would think that getting two shots and being the only one in the "Med Shed" that I would be in and out within half hour, 45 min tops. Yeah it took 3 hours. So that pretty much made my day go from being nice and easy to long and tedious.

With that being said, I was still able to get everything done, pack my bags and mail some of my stuff back home. I no longer have my cell phone. If you were to text me or leave a voicemail, I will not get it until I get back in January.

Tomorrow I leave for Afghanistan and I will have several stops along the way to drop off personal and cargo and pick stuff up. I have no idea when I will leave Columbus, Georgia but I will definitely provide an update once I get to Afghanistan or maybe even Kuwait depending on the Internet connection available.

I will update once I get to the other side of the world.


  1. God bless and be safe.

  2. So now I'm more upset about this whole thing then I was just a few short hours ago...because I now know you no longer have your phone :(..and I definatly sent you a text... and you aren't going to receive it until January :(.. so this is what it said haha..

    I can't believe you're leaving :(... I'm gonna miss you so much! Please be careful...:( I don't know what to say.. besides this sucks and I wish you didn't have to go.. I love you Ry!!

    But really.. this does suck.. and I wish with my entire body, heart and soul you didn't have to go :(..

  3. Just enjoyed your latest adventure dialog! YOU are WILD!! AFter all this is completed, you gotta find an outlet for publishing it.......even though readers my not be interested in you being in Afgan. they will surely laugh their heads off reading your "stuff." Oh, on second about a comedy club routine built around this! Take care and be safe, buddy. Luv ya. Uncle Pep
