Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In The Rear

We all know that I never grew up from my adolescent self and I find things humorous that most mature adults wouldn’t. So when I got to Leatherneck I kept hearing the phrase “in the rear.” The phrase isn’t necessarily the juvenile part. The juvenile part comes when I start snickering when it is used like, “shit like that only happens in the rear” or “they really like when that happens in the rear.”

I mean seriously, how can I not at least crack a smile when phrases like that are uttered. In military speak, the phrase in the rear is used when a deployed unit or individual is referencing the United States. So when someone says “shit like that only happens in the rear” they really mean “that is a policy that is only applicable while you are in the United States.” I still chuckle like a teenager.

I gave my laundry to the TCN’s to do and I got it all back. Even in a timely manner. It was a good thing too because for some strange reason the military only issues four pairs of socks. I am not a math major but I am pretty sure that there are seven days in a week and I have to work all of them so I am not too sure how four pairs of socks and uniforms are supposed to last me all week. Oh wait, either do laundry a lot or wear them multiple times…yeah we all wear them multiple times before washing them.

I was driving around base the other night and I looked up in the sky at one point and I saw a lot of red dots moving across the sky. After a moment I realized that those red dots were dozens of rockets being fired from Leatherneck at some unknown location. This happened for 5 solid minutes and it not only made me smile (I know that is slightly sadistic) but it also looked like a fireworks show. That was definitely the most expensive fireworks show that I have ever seen.

Apparently I am making a good impression here because one of the Marines that I work with gave me a gift. This Marine gave me what is called a Gerber. This is a military issued knife that all Marines carry and you can imagine what the useful intent is. The individual that I work with (who is a Marine…remember there are no former or ex-Marines) said that a gift like that is a huge token and I have apparently done something right.

For some strange reason I decided to run 3 miles the other day and every bone in my body felt it but I thought it would have been awkward if I stopped and the 57 year old guy I was running with didn’t. What’s even worse is that I have repeated it each day since.

I should be moving into a real office either at the end of this week or the beginning of next. Real walls and a concrete floor, it is the little things that make a world of difference. Since the IT department has been working on getting my new office wired, getting my Wi-Fi set up has been at the bottom of their to-do list.

Note to self: there are two places that you should joke about bombs, airports and active warzones.


  1. You make me laugh when you are not even here!! I know that all days/hours are not good and humorous, but to know that you are finding things to laugh about is a good thing. Could not love you more! - MILLY

  2. I think maybe you meant to "not" joke about bombs in airports and warzones...haha.

    Thanks for keeping us updated, and again, maybe you could mention some 'from home' godoies that you'd like sent to you every now and then. :)

  3. So enjoy your writing! Be sure to begin writing a daily blog (for publication) soon after you come home..."Days in the life of Me"

    Seriously, you write so vividly about your elxperiences and thoughts. I told a friend just today that the technology we have now is overwhelming....to think that you are on the other side of the globe, and can speak with your wife daily by cell phones, and see your family via Skype! Wow is about all I can say.

    Safety in all things buddy. Uncle Pep

  4. Hey Ryan,

    Glad to hear things are going well. We're thinking of you!

    Jessica & Kevin

  5. you make us feel as if we ar seeing everything thru your eyes. keep up the good work. stay safe xo
